
JSRS Buyers Mandates are authorized individuals or companies responsible for sourcing and selecting pre-qualified suppliers and finalizing contracts on behalf of the O&G operators in Oman.


Ministry of Energy and Minerals Mandates

Since 2014, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Oman has made the JSRS Certificate a mandatory requirement for National and International Suppliers bidding for any Tenders or other procurement requests with Oman’s O&G Operator.


Supplier Certification Mandate

The Oman Ministry of Energy & Minerals has recently Mandated, with effect from 1 July 2021, all Suppliers who participate in any bidding activities floated by the Oil & Gas Operators and Concession Companies, must hold an ACTIVE JSRS Certificate. Contractors and Suppliers who are awarded Contracts and POs must hold an ACTIVE JSRS Certificate during the entire tenure of the Contract.

JSRS O&G Operators Mandates

The O&G Operators in Oman identified a major need to create a Joint O&G Supplier Base that would form the sourcing basis of their Procurement System. JSRS is a National initiative that would encourage credible suppliers – national and international, to register in the common pool.

Click on the Logos to read Operators Mandates

JSRS Contractors Mandates

JSRS has now expanded to include Contractors as part of the JSRS Buyers Community. The JSRS Buyers Community is a structured platform comprising of the Oil & Gas Operators and major organisations from various industries in Oman, who will utilize the JSRS-Certified suppliers for their procurement needs.

Click on the Logos to read Contractor Mandates